
We at LRH, are fully committed and play a major role in conducting high quality paediatric research across the breadth of paediatric specialties with many national and international research collaborations, nurturing a healthy research culture amongst trainees attached to the unit, undergraduate and postgraduate, and ward staff. The staff is involved in diverse areas of basic and applied research with a very high annual research output and has made a significant contribution to national policy formulation and improving clinical care of sick children.
Ethics Review Committee
Monthly Ethics Review Committee is conducted at LRH for the purpose of ethical clearance in conducting research at LRH. It is held on Last Thursday of every month at 2pm.
Dr. G. Wijesuriya
Lady Ridgeway Hospital
Members of the Committee
Dr. B.A.D. Jayawardhene
Consultant Paediatric Surgeon
Dr. Devan Mendis
Consultant Paediatrician
Dr. (Mrs) N.A.V.C.T. de Alwis
Consultant Anaesthetist
Dr. (Mrs). Eresha Jasinghe
Consultant Chemical Pathologist
Mr. S.M.S. Jayawardena
Mr. S. S. Wanigasekera
Principal, Kannangara Vidyalaya, Borella
Mrs. M.A.G. Gunarathna
Chief Nursing Officer