VPOPD Clinic

VP-OPD clinic is one of the oldest clinics in the hospital started around 1985 and has given a great service to the country since inception.
This is a general paediatric clinic where all categories of patients are treated from neonates to adolescents. We cater for patients all over the country as a tertiary unit. Some patients come from far away to take the final opinion as the last resort.
We see average of 54 patients a day and around 15000 patients per year out of that around 48% new patients and 52 % follow up patients.
The staff comprises of one Consultant Paediatrician, seven medical officers, staff nurse and supportive staff personnel.
Dr. Uththara Hidellarachchi
Consultant Paediatrician
VPOPD clinic is located towards the Baseline road entrance of the hospital. Once enter from the main entrance from Baseline roadside this is the first clinic on left hand side room No. 8. Our working hours are from 8am to 4pm. During morning session all new and follow up patients are seen while evening session is more dedicated for follow up patients.
Name of Consultant | Speciality | Ward | Clinic Room | Day of the week |
Dr. Uththara Hidellaarachchi | Consultant Paediatrician | VPOPD | 8 | Monday to Friday 08 am-04pm |
Saturday 08am-12noon |
Treating new patients as first visits whom referred from various places. They are from
- Sub specialty clinics and wards
- Nutrition clinic and immunization clinic
- Referrals from other hospital
- School health clinics
- MOH clinics
- Prison and children’s homes
Treating follow up patients who visit our clinic in 1-2 months duration after getting an appointment. Follow up care needed for patients having bronchial asthma, UTI, convulsions, failure to thrive, hypothyroidism etc. and general medical management of subspecialty clinic patients.
Issuing medico legal documents to Juvenile Courts after doing those patients assessments.
Community Activities – Prerecorded Educational TV programmes to watch while patients are waiting in the lobby for their turn. Nutritional advice and training for how to use the spacer device properly etc.
Training of post graduate trainees for MCGP and medical under graduate’s OPD appointments are done in the clinic.
Some research work being done utilizing clinic patient data as material after their consent.